Book a Telephone, Skype or Zoom consultation now.

This will allow a provisional discussion of symptoms, problems & concerns with potential advice or a plan for investigations – or even just a second opinion.

If you are not local to the Midlands, we can, in many cases arrange for investigations to be done close to you.

A 30 minute Telephone or Zoom consultation with cost £150.

Please note, Telephone or Zoom consultations do not replace a full face to face consultation, examination & assessment. Telephone consultations may be easier to arrange & co-ordinate and we will do our best to accommodate. Consultations may have to re-arranged at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances.

 If you would like to book a full Face to face consultation, then either give us a call (01283 755556) or fill in the form on your right we will get in touch.


Please call 01283 755556 or enter your details below & a brief summary of the problem & convenient days & times for you to see Dr Gill privately.
Patients can be seen in The Burton Clinic,  Derby & Spire Hospitals in Little Aston and Solihull.

How to contact me

You can contact me directly via this website, by email at or by contacting one of my secretaries below.

Private Secretary: Emma Cope